Talk to a Nutritionist or Dietitian Online

From the comfort of home or wherever you choose
at a time that is convenient for you.

No travel, No waiting rooms, No unwanted encounters.

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Video consultations with a Nutritionist

On a Secure, Private and User friendly platform

  • HIPAA compliant
  • Confidential
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  • Military grade encryption
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Choose from a wide range of Licensed, Qualified and Experienced Nutritionists

  • BANT and CNHC registered
  • Background and qualifications verified
  • Masters or equivalent level qualifications
  • Passionate and enthusiastic
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“Let your food be your medicine”

Evidence based Nutritional Therapy at your fingertips

  • Improve energy levels and reduce fatigue
  • Weight loss and fitness
  • Improve overall health and well-being
  • Diet related illnesses, digestive disorders and much more
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Achieve Optimal Health and Well-being

Nutritional therapy is the application of nutrition science in the promotion of optimum health and peak performance.

Your journey to optimal health and well-being starts here!

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Nutrition can help with

  • Diet-related illnesses, such as diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, indigestion and inflammatory bowel disease
  • Training for a sports event or trying to improve overall fitness
  • Weight loss and improved well-being
  • Recovery from long-term illnesses as part of the rehabilitation process
  • Personalised nutrition and lifestyle programmes
  • Specific food allergies or those who need to adhere to specific diets
  • Maintaining a healthy balanced diet tailored to your individual needs
  • Supporting an existing health condition through nutrition

How does it work?

  • Choose your preferred Nutritional therapist
  • Sign up/Register. It’s free to sign up, no membership or registration fees
  • Book or request an appointment
  • Make payment using a debit or credit card
  • Receive e-mail reminders prior to your session
  • Log in on the date and time of your appointment
  • Have your nutritional therapy session online via secure live video
What will happen during the sessions?
Step 1
Prior to your first nutritional therapy consultation, you will be prompted to complete a detailed health and lifestyle questionnaire and a food diary, so your therapist can get a good overall picture of your current health status, diet and lifestyle.
Step 2
The initial consultation will usually last for about 90 minutes, and your therapist will try to gather more information from you. You will most likely need to expand on certain parts of your questionnaire as well.
Step 3
Your therapist will devise a personalised and safe nutrition and health improvement plan that is evidence based, and tailored towards your very individual requirements. You may also be recommended supplements and/or functional tests if your therapist feels these could be beneficial.
Step 4
A follow up consultation is generally recommended for 3-4 weeks later when your progress and nutritional programme are reviewed. Your therapist may also correspond with you via e-mail or messages between sessions to monitor progress. Further follow-ups may be required depending on your individual situation and long term goals


Pay per visit. No registration or membership fees

Initial 90 minute consultation


Follow up


Fees reflect time spent researching your health concerns prior to and following your consultation.

*Please note that Nutritional Therapy is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and if a therapist identifies any 'red flag' symptoms, they will refer you onto a medical professional. For emergencies please go to your nearest emergency department or call your relevant emergency service number


Nathalie Massat

Specialist in Health maintenance & Prevention of chronic symptoms * Health in Ageing (Women's & Men's) * Digestive Health * Sleep hygiene * Immune Health * Menstrual & Peri-natal Health * Weight management

Dr Nathalie Massat PhD is a registered Nutritional Therapist and Naturopath. She has been actively involved in biomedical research for 20 years and opened her Holistic Health Practice in 2014. She currently offers holistic nutritional and lifestyle advice based on traditional dietary and medicinal approaches, from the West (i.e. Mediterranean diet and Naturopathic Medicine), and the East (i.e. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Yogic principles). Nathalie is passionate about health, prevention of chronic symptoms and ageing gracefully. She uses an intuitive-sensitive approach in her interaction with her patients and will aim to help you get a better understanding of how to achieve physical, emotional, and mental balance. During the course of the consultations, we will work together to develop a health plan based on the patterns of imbalances identified. In this approach, the necessary nutrients will be provided in their most natural forms, and the use of supplements kept to a minimum to suit everyone's budget. Meat products will only be recommended where strictly necessary. Nathalie will be unable to work with accept patients who are currently taking more than one prescription medication. Referral for food intolerance tests and other functional tests is available on request.

Sonal Shah

Specialist in Sports Nutrition Vegan & Vegetarian Nutrition Gluten & Dairy free diets Digestion Hormones

I’m Sonal, director of Synergy Nutrition which I have been running since 2009. I am a qualified professional Nutritional Therapist and holistic lifestyle coach. I myself am passionate about a healthy living and very much adore empowering individuals to create the same in their daily lives. My approach is fun as our diets and lives should in no way be boring or restrictive. My specialist area– Fitness and Sports Nutrition- Digestive imbalances- Men & Women’s Health & Vegan/Vegetarian Nutrition. I make regular appearances on TV and speak on the radio as a guest Nutritionist. So if you recognise me, you may have seen me on TV.

Sarah Day

Specialist in Digestive issues (food intolerances, IBS symptoms, leaky gut), weight management, low energy, Men's/Women's health, general healthy eating

Do you feel stressed out, run down and don’t have the energy to do the things you want to do? Are you fed up of “crash dieting” every time you have a special occasion or during the summer and want to maintain your weight? Do you want to have a healthier lifestyle but are unsure of where to start and would like some inspiration? Nutritional therapy can offer support in a wide range of health issues, enabling you to take charge of your health and wellbeing and therapists look towards improving the root cause of an issue instead of just trying to fix the symptoms. I am a qualified nutritional therapist, having studied at the accredited College of Naturopathic Medicine, I am also CNHC and BANT registered which ensures that therapists are trained to a high standard. I am passionate about nutrition and attend seminars, webinars and workshops to continue my professional development.

Lorna Rhodes


If we are all living longer, we need to be able to enjoy those years in the best health possible and this means eating the right foods at all stages of our life. Resolving health issues when young can help to prevent problems later in life. I have had a long career as a food writer and established cookbook author, and now as a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist, I consider healthy eating as the foundation for my clients programmes, to enable healing and promote well-being. As you are looking to improve your health, you may have digestive problems; IBS is a common condition in many; perhaps headaches or migraines are affecting your life; or maybe you are finding life too stressful and need strategies to cope. For weight gain I not only consider diet but look to other causes - could it be thyroid issues or adrenal fatigue? These are some of the areas I have expertise in and can help you with. My own health scare has been with breast cancer, and worryingly many women will find themselves affected with this at some point in their life. I have trained to help clients overcome their fears and support them with nutritional advice during and after treatment, and help to create integrative programmes with oncologists. I have always believed that what we eat has a direct impact on the ageing process and my mission is to help clients be as healthy as possible, and allow us to live life to the full for as long as possible. For further details please see I look forward to working with you Lorna

Hannah Scott

Specialist in Digestive Issues (IBS, Crohn's, Colitis, Coeliac, Food intolerances, Candida, Leaky Gut etc), Autoimmune conditions, Chronic Fatigue, ME & Fibromyalgia, Fatigue including Adrenal Fatigue, Childhood Nutrition, Hormonal disorders including Fertility and Thyroid issues, Skin conditions, Weight Loss, Arthritis, Anxiety & Depression

I am a qualified Nutritionist and Naturopath and have worked in private practise for 10 years. I have an Advanced Certificate and Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine and have completed a Master's Degree in Human Nutrition. I am passionate about food and have seen first hand how eating the right food for our bodies can help heal at a core level. All treatments are individualised and take into consideration all lifestyle aspects to ensure treatment plans are easy to follow and enjoyable.

Sarah White

Specialist in Digestion Disorders (constipation, IBS, acid reflux, abdominal pain, bloating etc), Stress, Low Energy, Headaches & Migraines, Asthma, Chronic Pain, Weight Loss, Skin Conditions, Arthritis, Gallstones, Thyroid Disorders, Liver & Detoxification Techniques, Cancer, Autoimmune Conditions, Insomnia, Depression & Anxiety, Eating Disorders, The Healing Way (the nature of health and illness explained.)

I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist who also works as a Naturopath. As well as current theories in Nutrition and Naturopathy, I draw upon many traditions when advising clients how to (re)gain their health, such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am also very interested in Homeopathy and Energy Medicines, and use a holistic approach to wellness that incorporates Mind, Body and Spirit. I am based in Glastonbury, and hold face-to-face clinics in Somerset and Gloucestershire, but also undertake Skype consultations and Functional Medicine Testing remotely, including food sensitivity testing. Indeed, I can offer functional testing using my ASYRA BIO-RESONANCE device to help you discover underlying imbalances that might be contributing to your symptoms including hormonal/ neurotransmitter imbalances, toxins & pathogens, and food sensitivities. It can also help to assess organ function on an energetic level e.g. thyroid, adrenals, liver. ASYRA testing can be carried out remotely by sending a hair and nail sample for analysis, and is suitable for adults and children alike, and even pets! Both Nutritional Therapy and ASYRA BIO-RESONANCE Screening can help with a wide range of halt conditions including digestive disorders, low energy and stress, headaches & migraines, skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, arthritis, organ dysfunction, headaches & migraines, and degenerative health conditions. See for more details, or contact me to find out more.

Sally Farmer

Specialist in Cancer, skin conditions, digestive disorders and immune disorders. However i deal with all health concerns.

My interest in nutrition was sparked in my 20,s merely from requiring more energy and not sleeping properly. After visiting a nutritional therapist and following her recommendations i was surprised at how well i felt and never looked back. At 30 i gave birth to my daughter who developed eczema, food allergies and frequent viral/ bacterial and fungal infections that are common with allergy sufferers. My late father also developed stomach cancer but as he saw my passion to help both him and my child using food as medicine he suggested that i go on to study nutritional therapy. Sadly he did not live very long after his diagnosis but he most certainly played a huge roll in my inspiration to help others. This i am grateful for. My daughter has been eczema free for many years and has gone from suffering with 8-10 infections per year to now only 1-2. Her allergies have also improved greatly along with her quality of life. I qualified in 2014 and have helped many men women and children alike with an array of health conditions and would like to think i will be doing so for many years to come.

Jo Rowkins

Specialist in Stress, hormonal, digestive, weight management, immunity, skin, female health, detoxification

I am experienced in helping clients with many different health issues, and I work successfully with stress-related conditions, weight management, digestive issues, female hormonal imbalances and many others conditions. I believe that finding balance is the key to optimum health. Often people force themselves to make healthy choices, get obsessed by a fad diet, or make a series of attempts at trying to get healthy, without finding the balance in their lifestyles that they are actually seeking. I'm interested in exploring as many aspects as possible to guide a client to that elusive place of balance. Giving yourself the gift of undivided time to consult with a nutrition and health professional allows you to shed light on your own habits, needs and health goals. I enjoy being able to facilitate and guide each client to a place of better health, vitality and balance. I am fascinated by the profound effect nutrition has on the body. When disease processes and imbalances have set-in, nutritional therapy can set you back on the path to health again by addressing underlying causes, rather than simply treating symptoms.

Deborah Lacey

Specialist in Digestive issues and gut health, Diabetes and blood-sugar balance, Fatigue, weight management, recovery from illness or surgery, heart health, healthy ageing.

Pressures of modern life are frequently impacting on our health and we often receive contradictory information from the media about what food is healthy or unhealthy - which can be very confusing! I like to work with my clients by focusing on their health concerns and unique requirements to produce balanced, individualised nutritional programmes that fit in with their daily routines through analysing their diet and lifestyle habits. Some of my clients have very complex issues which have troubled them for many years, and I find it hugely rewarding to guide them towards good health and also to educate them so they will be able to make their own decisions about food choices in the future for lifelong benefit. I am a Registered Nutritionist and founder of Fresh Horizons Nutrition, having qualified at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition. I'm registered with the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT) as well as the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). I work with a 'Functional Medicine' approach which involves looking at each client as an individual, whilst considering biochemical imbalances and how all the systems of the body interact with each other. The world of nutrition is changing all the time and I find it exciting and stimulating to keep up with research and developments. Being able to use this research and translate it into recommendations appropriate to my client’s individual needs only serves to increase my enthusiasm. As well as one-to-one consultations, I also deliver a series of presentations to businesses which are informative about many common health concerns, helping to dispel myths and provide clear and useful guidance.

Sandra James

Specialist in Fertility, Digestive Health, Stress, Thyroid

Hi I'm Sandra and I'm passionate being able to coach and support others to take back their health. I take a functional medicine approach to health concerns and look for the root cause as this is where the the best results come from. I use functional testing to help with this if needs be alongside focusing on food and lifestyle recommendations to get the results you are looking for. Get in touch if you want to find out more, or check out my website . I'm looking forward to working with you.
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