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Sarah Hudson - Therapist

SPECIALIST IN Depression & Low Mood Disorders; Anxiety/Generalised Anxiety Disorder/Phobias/Panic Attacks; Stress/Anger Management; Trauma/PTSD; Grief/Bereavement; Family/Relationship issues; Addiction - alcohol, prescribed and non-prescribed drugs & Relapse prevention; Self-esteem and Motivation.

My aim is to empower you to get to where you want to be. To help you discover your potential; to overcome your personal obstacles and issues; to improve your relationships.

I have been a therapist for 27yrs and qualified up to masters level. I've worked in various settings including the NHS (hospital and doctors surgeries) and large national charities. This has given me a breath of experience in for example addictions, depression and anxiety disorders, relationship and family issues; self-harm and suicidal behaviour; trauma and bereavement.
Humanistic Person Centred approach has guided my training towards Integrative Psychotherapy. The philosophy that we are all unique fits this model; it recognises the value of you as a unique person and combines elements of other approaches to help you grow and flourish.

The years have taught me that I don't have all the answers although I do have the skills to help you discover yours. I also know that I can sit with you and be with you in your felt sense of anxiety, fear, depression, anger, chaos or loneliness. I strongly believe that you can be empowered to find your own answers.

My passion is in the evolving research of neuro-psychotherapy or brain based therapy. This approach is based in cutting edge brain science - how the brain works, the connection with mind and body, our social interactions and our environment and how we experience all of this - emotionally and behaviourally. Maybe that sounds a lot but basically it just means that it helps me to see the whole of you rather than just one part of you.

Together you and I can work towards discovering ways that help you to arrive at where you want to be. As we adjust to the presence of COVID19, online and telephone sessions offer unique opportunities for you and I to explore and experience how we work together.

Contact me by telephone, text or email to learn more about me and or to explore what you feel you need. Together we will work on strategies that help you to address the root causes of your issues and build your resilience.
Ellie Mackay - Therapist

SPECIALIST IN ADHD - sexuality - separation - divorce - IVF - children - loss - work - couples - DID - personality disorders - Bipolar - Paranoia - Autism - sex problems - Anxiety • Depression • Low-mood • Health issues • Mental health disorders • Panic • Fear • Self-esteem • Grief • Eating problems • Anger problems • Relationship issues • Abuse • Trauma • Self-harm • Suicidal thoughts • Sadness • Insomnia • Nightmares • Alcohol and drugs issues

Hi I am Ellie and I am a highly experienced and qualified psychotherapist who is based in Hull, East Yorkshire and over the years I have helped a wide range of clients who have experienced different issues.

I am a facilitator of change, and just like scaffolding, I support my client while the delicate restorative work is ongoing. The aim of this process is to help you explore the cause of the issues, support you while you make the necessary adjustments, and then arm you with your own inner resources to continue your recovery journey.

I use the key techniques of Gestalt psychotherapy: symbolic work, two chair work and dream work in a deeply empathetic way.
This is not an exhaustive list, but here are a few of the symptoms that I have helped people with over the years.

• Struggling to carry out day to day activities
• Finding it hard to cope
• Lack of confidence
• Relationship issues
• Struggling to getting up in the morning
• Worrying thoughts & feelings
• Overthinking
• Catastrophizing (Expect the worst will happen)
• Confidence & relationship issues.
• Dealing with a very severe critic
• Low self esteem
• Childhood trauma
• Difficult relationships
• Addictions
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Panic
• Grief
• Trauma surrounding childbirth, miscarriage & post-natal depression

My practice embraces diversity in all its forms and I work keenly with people of all gender identities, sexualities, abilities, ethnic backgrounds, age groups, etc. My choice of profession has been born out of a fundamental desire to help heal people. My mission is to turn my passion for change into supporting my community and a world that I want my own family to grow up in. The work I do is more than just a job to me. It draws upon my natural strengths and has been finely tuned over many years of theoretical and practical experience. My work is also underpinned by my own programme of self-care and continued personal and professional development, to make sure you receive the most dedicated support possible.

I really would love to help you and I provide a nourishing safe and non-judgemental holding space, so you have nothing to worry about. Why not book an initial session to see if you think my approach suits you?
Andrea Gavin - Therapist


A warm welcome to my profile,

For me, therapy can benefit everyone. It offers the potential for a metaphorical spring clean or MOT, space to process, reframe and recalibrate or rehearse the possible. Importantly, it can provide holding during those difficult life experiences. Psychotherapy, enables us to understand our relational ties and dynamics and step towards our relationships with fresh eyes. I love that therapy gifts us a helicopter perspective, a zooming out and shift in viewpoint.

Across the years, I have been fortunate to build vast experience working with clients and patients in the NHS, Employee Assistance Programmes, within universities and also private practice. My ethos, is that therapy needs to be accessible, flexible and tailored to each persons individual needs. I have a love of culture and languages having been raised cross culturally in England and Portugal. My journey into psychotherapy happened by chance - through my work as a translator - I discovered the transformative power of psychotherapy programmes in street projects in Brazil. This took me on a new path leading to a psychology degree and professional training in psychotherapy completed in 2008. Every year I complete new training and in 2017 completed training in online counselling.

As a psychotherapist, we are required to undertake a client journey ourselves - this is across many years. Undoubtedly, this helped shape my approach to my work - exposing me to working with body (concepts like character armour/self-protection), Psychodynamic (attachment and relational bonds), Gestalt (foreground/background and flow) and TA approaches (drivers, dynamics). I am an integrative psychotherapist - I look at how things regulate together or indeed where there is incongruence. Together we might explore pressure or choice points in your life or way of living within the context that human beings have a natural tendency for balance and wholeness (i.e. self-regulation) . Naturally, this happens when the right conditions are there - not dissimilar to growing plants - sunshine and water being essential.

Clients' inform me that I am compassionate, warm and honest. I am also told they appreciate my ability for gentle and/or direct challenge as/when we agree this as an approach. In my practice I work with emotions ranging from connecting to these, labelling feelings and expressing them in a choiceful way. I am able to work with apathy as well as depression. I have experience of working safely with anger, fear as well as excitement and joy. Also, I am able to draw on basic CBT concepts to work with worry, anxiety and panic. I have accompanied individuals through their journey with grief and loss, adjustment at different stages of their lives.

I have interest, experience and specialist training in working with emotional intensity in relationships and associated experiences such as gaslighting, power and control dynamics and domestic violence. I also have experience of working with families of prisoners.

In addition to supporting clients and patients I have supported therapists in training through therapy during training as well as clinical supervision and reflective practice.

I am interested in emotional and psychological well-being, personal development and growth, polarity work with emotions, motivation/goal setting, relational bonds and trauma.

My availability can change so do please message me for my current availability.

I hope this provides a glimpse at how I work and who I am as a therapist. Naturally, do reach out for more info.

Tim Harvard-Sweeting - Therapist

SPECIALIST IN Anxiety, Panic, OCD, Phobias, Fear • Depression, Sadness, Low Self-esteem, Loss of confidence • Couples, Relationships, Abuse, Marriage • Addictions & substance abuse • Adult ADHD • Men's stuff • Personality disorders • Dissociation • Codependence • Bereavement • Expats and International clients • Trauma, PTSD • Boarding school syndrome • Developmental coaching

I'm a degree-qualified person-centred psychotherapist/ counsellor/ coach, trained by world-leading experts at the University of Nottingham.I work with all sorts of people with all sorts of conditions, all over the world.

Find out more at:
Ashley Horsley - Therapist


I have worked in the field of mental health for over twenty years and I do this work from a place of love, passion and vocation. As well as a thorough and in-depth professional training I also bring the important often difficult learnings from life, relationships, parenting, loss, ageing: any such central components of being alive. My central thrust is towards connection, authenticity and trust: to offer this and thus encourage the same from you.

I create a safe space in which you can feel ready to unburden yourself from the weight of whatever you are carrying alone. Whether it is your anxieties and fears or your anger and dissatisfaction; whether it is haunting trauma or crippling self-doubt: whatever it is I am there to accompany you on the journey to the bottom of it. The work is all about communication and expression, through listening to your story and through working with your body where so often tension is trapped and tormenting. The timing of your arrival in therapy is always the right timing: when your need wells right up to the surface and sends you to me I am here.

It is vitally important that we do not feel locked away in solitary confinement; that hope, trust and safety are accessible human resources found in contact with others. As your therapist I will work hard to sustain or recover these for you.